
About Me

I'm Brandis, 29 years old currently living in Monterey, CA with my husband who is in the Navy. I work full time as a physical therapy aide and admin assistant. I also "work" almost full time, baking my ass off! I bake for fun, out of boredom, by random request and occasionally for an event! I am a generally angry and hostile person, but if you catch me on a good day, I'm a real treat! I LOOOOOVE to bake, and I think you're going to love reading about my baking trials and errors along with my rants about everyday life, or as I like to call it "everyday stupidity, courtesy of other people". One day, when I DO open up my bakery, come see me there! Just please, when you do come see me... CHEW WITH YOUR DAMN MOUTH CLOSED!

* The Husband
* My Family (most of you)
* Elton John (OK, this is a "LOVE" and may go above "the husband")
* Books (yes, I'm a reader...and book collector)
* Long walks on short beaches
* My awesome friends! (usually)
* TACO BELL!! (Pretty sure it's ok to live off this)
My goal was 10 "likes".  I will come back to that

* The Husband
* Mouth noises
* loud eaters
* open mouth chewers
* Dogs (ok ok, don't shoot me! I can tolerate them, if I know them.)
* Children (ohhh another one! WHAT? If I know em, I can deal)
* Finger tapping
* leg shaking (take your RLS meds!)
* almond joy/mounds
* mushrooms
* whistling
* being cold
* people (as a general rule, with the exception of the mentioned few in "LIKES")
* energy drinks
* loud breathers
* cream cheese frosting (OK, this is a weird one, I think I may be one of the few that doesn't like the stuff, however, I am committed to experimenting and trying to find one I like!)
* VELVET!  (The fabric. OH MY LORD! I get short of breath just typing about it)
* Bad spelling and horrible grammar. If you don't know... LOOK IT UP!!

Well.... I think that is a nice start! You know a little more about me, and I am sure I will add more. Everyday I discover something new that pisses me off, so there will be PLENTY for you to read about. Between baking and raging, you're bound to be entertained!

See you soon!



  1. Hey Brandi,,,,, loving this blog. I'd like to add that an early start or possible pre cursor to your love of baking could have been the early childhood event of using baking "flour" all over the kitchen floor to make snow angels? Pretty sure that had something to do with it. (Subliminally?)

  2. HAHAHA! Thanks, Kathy! Yeah....that MIGHT have something to do with it!

  3. Yeah that was awesome! Even better was the use of water to clean it up!! Oh how well that worked out... Lol

  4. ugh, that was awful! Why would I think that would work!!!?
