
Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Sour Cream

First blog post! HOORAY! I was going to put it off, but then I had sour cream for dinner and felt motivated! It put me in a great mood. So for my first official blog post, I will keep things nice! Besides, believe it or not, nothing made me too angry today! Progress? Doubt it.

Ahhhhhhh, sour cream. loved by many...hated by more (apparently, it has too many calories?? I dunno). But, me? Oh not hated by me at all! I mean, who am I kidding, I love sour cream so much! I put it on anything I can, and to be honest, I only put it on other food items, because the looks I get (from husband) when I eat it out of the container by the spoonful are quite disapproving. I wonder what people in restaurants would think? Not that I would care, but....HUSBAND! He thinks it is going to kill me! I mean, I just had enchiladas, and you couldn't see the actual enchilada. If you are lactose intolerant, or have a dairy allergy, I AM SO SORRY!

On to some baking tips!

Sour cream and baking! YES YOU CAN! I am sure that a great many of you already know that you can bake delicious cakes and cupcakes...and more, with good ol sour cream! But for those of you that don't know...now you know.  There are even recipes out there for "old fashioned sour cream cake". I have not made any of these, but it is definitely on my list, so keep an eye out!

Sticking with the cake theme here, you can modify boxed cake mix by adding sour cream and make the cake a bit more dense and moist (pudding mix can also be used, but that is another post, another day). I recommend this method for those people who (like my sister Mandi! Lil shout out for ya there) might want some cupcakes for their (AHHHH!) kids, but either don't have the time (Mandi), patience (Mandi. I think baking might be the ONE thing she DOESN'T have patience for), or...honestly, skills of baking cakes and treats from scratch (Mandi). Just a little modification to the boxed cake mix can do wonders! It wont taste quite as "boxed cake mixy". Try it! I will include an easy recipe at the bottom of this post! Let me know how it goes!

Now that I type this, I think that dear sister might need some baking lessons when I come to visit! Although, from what I understand, she has improved quite a bit and can make a mean cookie! You're welcome.

Okay, here it is. Easy cake mix modified! Now, I have a modification that I use, it is in my recipe book, and that book has disappeared! This is a catastrophe and I will be finding it...like NOW. I usually do not use cake mix, but I wont lie, I have it in my pantry and if I am too tired from bitching at and about people, I will modify a cake mix, whip up some swiss meringue buttercream and call it good! Oh yeah, back to the recipe. I got this from foodtv.com, I will post my recipe from my little book, just as soon as I find it!

Until next time! Grumpy Baking!

1 (18 1/4 ounce) package yellow cake mix
1 cup sour cream
1/3 cup vegetable oil
1/4 cup water
1/4 cup sugar
4 large eggs
1 teaspoon vanilla extract

Preheat oven to 350° and lightly grease and flour a 13x9 pan.
Combine all ingredients in large mixing bowl and blend on low speed of mixer for 1 minute.
Scrape down sides with spatula.
Increase mixer speed to medium and beat an additional 2 minutes.
Pour batter into prepared pan.
Bake for 30 to 35 minutes or until golden brown and tests done when a toothpick inserted in the center comes out clean.
Cool on a wire rack and frost as desired

If you try this, let me know what you think!


This weekend, husband and I are driving to Los Angeles for my nephew Wyatt's 3rd birthday party! I am helping with the cupcakes, so be on the lookout for that! There will be tons of kids there, so I have no doubt there will be plenty to rant about! Be ready!


  1. Lmbo, you crack me up. I love this!!! I do enjoy your rants.

  2. Thank you so much! Plenty more to come! Keep your eyes peeled! Don't forget to FOLLOW!

  3. This is hilarious!! I notice a lot of exclamation marks -- I can totally picture you saying all of this lol :)

    1. Thanks, Grizzy! I am glad you liked it! Miss you!!
